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Action is Needed Now More Than Ever Before!

Fossil Fuel Toxicity & DestructionConservation is not a political party issue. That being said, the soon-to-be-inaugurated Donald Trump promised in his campaign to sell off public lands for mining and drilling and very clearly endorses policies and regulations to make business for the top corporations cheaper for them at  American citizens’ expense. Trump’s cabinet choices, contrary to his campaign promises, are almost completely chosen from the ultra-elite – the Big Money…with a long history of destroying entire ecosystems to turn a little more profit for the oil barons and their ‘one percenter’ buddies.



You will note that NWW publishes events, calls-to-action, and petitions for issues outside of our region even though we focus on our own specific regional needs. In times of dire threat, if conservation groups Fossil Fuel Destructionfail to Unite for the good of all, we will inevitably fail to defend our fragile and struggling environment. Please do stand shoulder to shoulder across this great nation to defend our natural resources – for the ultimate survival of our own species!


Was the significance of the first photo illustration above not clear enough to motivate us? Take a moment and have another look. Beginning with increased fossil fuel mining (fracking, drilling, coal) and including other environmentally dangerous commercial ventures such mining for uranium – often on our national park lands, is a future that America cannot afford.